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Beaphar 狗狗專用 護齒系列 免沖洗 護齒Gel 100g (17323)

價格: $80$94
訂購數量: 寵物用品 貓糧貓砂狗糧狗尿墊 至抵至齊 - 減少 寵物用品 貓糧貓砂狗糧狗尿墊 至抵至齊 - 增加


Beaphar 狗狗專用 護齒系列 免沖洗 護齒Gel 100g (17323)


  • 護齒啫喱含3種酵素, 能清除由細菌和殘留齒外的微細食物引起的牙垢, 及牙垢再結合鈣質而形成的牙石. 長久更會引致牙肉發炎、腫病等症狀
  • 使用護齒啫喱可幫助預防上述牙患, 令狗隻生活得更健康快樂


  • 把美味可口的>“護齒啫喱”薄薄擠在狗隻牙齒內外, 讓狗隻自行舔食及同一時間清潔牙齒
  • 建議每星期使用3-4次

Beaphar Tooth Gel for Cats and Dogs 100g is a quick and easy way to ensure your pet has good oral hygiene, without the hassle of brushing their teeth.

Containing Propolis, a natural anti-bacterial ingredient, this Tooth Gel helps to keep your pet’s teeth and gums in a clean and healthy condition.

Easy to use, you just have to squeeze the gel along your pet’s teeth and let their tongue do the rest of the work.

So for better oral health, use the Beaphar Tooth Gel!

PetChill HK 寵物用品速遞 貓糧 貓砂 狗糧 尿墊  門市地址 火炭協興工業中心10樓C室
PetChill HK 寵物用品速遞 貓糧 狗糧 Royal Canin CIAO Wellness 正版正貨 HK Pet Shop